Have you been spending your time scrolling through Reels again?
No need to deny it. I know you also spend a lot of time scrolling through social media because of Reels. I can’t blame you, though. I am guilty of this, too. When I open social media, I just couldn’t stop watching these short videos and then get surprised at how much time has passed already! These videos just keep getting more entertaining!
So why not make your upcoming video content the next ultimate Reel that people won’t get enough of? It will definitely boost, not just your ego , but also your real estate business if people will treat your Reels content like how you binge-watch Reels on your feed.
Here are 3 tips to level up your Reels, for real!
Don’t start with an introduction.
I know how much credibility you have as a trusted real estate agent. And I am proud of you! 🫶 But avoid overly promoting yourself by not starting with a self-introduction in your Reels. As a realtor, I know that part of promoting your business is by marketing yourself as well. But if you start your Reel with your credentials, your audience might have probably clicked exit or moved on to the next video before you even finish introducing yourself.
Reels are meant to be entertaining while also providing useful content. No matter how good your content is, it won’t matter if you are not able to catch and sustain the attention of your audience. Start with a hook that will make your audience want to watch more.
Don’t forget to use text.
Not everybody watches Reels with the audio turned on. Most likely, people do their endless scrolling on social media whenever boredom strikes – whether while waiting for a doctor’s appointment, while they are on the subway, or when they just couldn’t think of anything else to do. And when you are mindlessly scrolling, you don’t necessarily turn the audio on, right?
Use on-screen text to easily give context to your Reel, even just by looking at its thumbnail. You can also use text to create bullet points that will highlight the important points in your video.
Don’t get too technical.
While you want to be informative, Reels are also meant to be entertaining. Create content that appeals to your general audience. If you want to discuss specific real estate terms or matters, keep it as simple as possible. Write it in a way that will be relatable to your audience. Remember that you’ll have a lot of competition online, so it is important to inject some humor to make your content more interesting. You can also share stories like personal experiences, a client’s real estate journey, or a funny anecdote about your team to connect with your audience.
Study what you see in your feed. What type of content works best? Check out other real estate pages as well and see which topics get the most engagement. Take time to research what your audience would like to see and which treatment works best for them.
Reels can be a powerful tool. But only when you know how to maximize them.
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